Saturday, 14 May 2022

Pewley Down / Tice's Meadow

After help from someone on Twitter I was able to get over to Pewley Down on a glorious day.  He gave me a map but my print out of it wasn't very helpful so I had to get online to Twitter via my iPhone - what a chore that was.

Before that, however, I walked all over the place and saw quite a few pink flowers on the chalk download which turned out to be Sainfoin.  I couldn't find the orchids I was looking for the life of me.  As I was passing a corrugated hut, presumably for cattle, something caught my eye - it was a male Wheatear, presumably a migrant.

After reviewing the map i got on my iPhone I saw I had been looking in the right place but, as usual, I was expecting large orchids and they weren't!

After careful scrutiny of the slopes I found c50 (in fact I counted 48) Man Orchids.

I then switched to butterflies and the best were Holly Blue, Common Blue and a Green Hairstreak which I nearly trod on.

It was then over to Tice's Meadow but there wasn't a lot here - the highlight being a couple of Orange Tip butterflies

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